Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

*Learn to play guitar
*Finish the scarf I've been knitting forever
*Exercise 3 times per week
*Stop biting my nails
*Get a job
*Learn to cook
*Take a photo a day (check out my blog

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things I've learned in the Wartburg Communication Arts Department

•Brand everything.
•Creativity is key.
•The value of quality customer service.
•Comic Sans isn’t the best font choice.
•Use drop shadows sparingly.
•Never, ever create a poster in Powerpoint.
•Photoshop can do anything.
•Macs rule.
•I’ve memorized a good chunk of the AP Stylebook.
•You learn about the "4 P"s in every class.
•I know what SWOT stands for.
•Don’t interview your roommate for stories.
•You never know when you’ll need a tape recorder.
•The J-lab printer rarely works. Don't ever rely on it.
•Drawing is a lot easier in Illustrator than on paper.
•Cliff likes apples and his Droid.
•Penni makes yummy cupcakes.
•And Bill wears Hawaiian shirts.
•Being over-involved is part of the fun.
•It’s all about experience.
•Who needs textbooks?
•Other majors are jealous of how much fun we have.
•I love the communications field!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pet Peeves

•When it’s raining and you turn your car off and the wipers stop in the middle of the windshield, so you turn the car back on and make sure the wipers are down.

•If you’re not handicapped or carrying a large box, you are capable of opening the door yourself. Stop wasting electricity by constantly pressing the handicap button!

•Stop buying bottled water! Drink the free water. You’ll save money, waste less plastic bottles, and stop supporting water as a commercial product. It should be free to everyone and companies shouldn’t be making so much money off of it!

•The purpose of a deadline is to meet it. Not to negotiate moving it back after you’ve procrastinated for too long.

•If you are building a sidewalk, consider where people actually walk. Don’t just make a cool design with it.

•Do you really need to crack your knuckles? It sounds terrible!

•Why do couples sit on the same side of the booth? Isn’t that awkward?

•Dirty keyboards, like the ones in the J-lab.

•The noise of people rubbing their fingers on balloons.

•When people take forever to leave a parking space when others are obviously waiting for it.

•People who never obey they enter and exit signs on the Wal-Mart doors.

•Squeaky shopping carts.

•Wobbly tables.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

About Me (a random selection of facts)

About Me (a random selection of facts)
•Name: Emily Lynn Schmitt
•Hometown: Hawkeye, Iowa
•Eye Color: Blue/gray
•Hair Color: Some people think it’s blonde, others say it’s brown. The sun gives it blonde streaks in the summer.
•Education: I’m graduating from Wartburg College in December with a degree in communication arts: public relations. When I leave the Wartburg bubble, I will have way more orange stuff than a non-Wartburger would ever dream of owning.
•Phobias: I am scared of baked beans. I am at the point where they can be on the table and I won’t panic as long as I don’t look at them directly. Also, I don’t like wrists because I’m terrified the veins on the inside of my wrist are going to burst open at any moment. Don’t laugh!
•Favorite Movie: I rarely watch movies and if I do I usually fall asleep so I never remember them anyway. My boyfriend is trying to get me caught up on some of the classics but it’s just so hard for me to focus on a TV screen for that long!
•Future Plans: I hope to move to Des Moines and have a job that is different every day. I’d prefer not to be stuck in a cubicle all the time and want interaction with people. I also plan to finally learn how to play the guitar I got for Christmas five years ago and learn ballroom dancing.
•Dairy Knowledge: I grew up on a dairy farm so I know a thing or two about cows. I went to nationals in 4-H dairy quiz bowl and went to nationals as a dairy foods judge in FFA. And I interned with Midwest Dairy Association last summer. You’d be surprised how often my dairy knowledge comes in handy.